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Eaton and Palisades Fires

I’m writing this short message from my temporary home in Eagle Rock.  The Eaton Fire destroyed our home, and most of our neighborhood, in Altadena on Tuesday, January 7th.  Another former board member, Carolyn Barnes, also lost her home, although three other former HFS board members who were also in harm’s way, did not.   The…

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Tracy Sondern’s Adoption Story

Nine months after we were approved for adoption, the phone rang. Holy Family had a birth mother they wanted us to meet. I was so stunned that this had finally happened that it took me a moment before turning to my husband and saying, “I think a birth mother wants to meet us.” We had…

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Campbell-Langdell Family Update

Alene, Melissa, and Foster Adoptee (Genesis) Monica Campbell-Langdell were featured in HFS’s 2018 Gratitude report. Melissa sent this update in the fall, and Alene dropped by the HFS booth at the LA Episcopal Diocese Annual Convention and is pictured below with Executive Director Julie Brown. Dear Holy Family, You asked for an update!  (Genesis) Monica completed high…

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Working with HFS as a Foster Family

Navigating the child welfare system independently can feel overwhelming. In contrast, FFAs like HFS provide families with stability and experienced guidance throughout the entire fostering process.

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