
In general, post-adoption contact requires the written consent of the birth parent or parents  and the adult adoptee. If the desire for contact is mutual and documented in writing, HFS will work with all parties to facilitate a meeting.  Refer to the following for specific information and requirements for post-adoption information release and contact requests by birth parents, adult adoptees, adoptive parents, and birth siblings.

Birth Parents

The birth parent may request disclosure of the name and most current address on file of adoptees age 21 or older, provided the adult adoptee has consented to contact in writing. Birth parents who requested no contact when they placed their child for adoption but have since changed their mind may write a letter expressing their openness to contact. These letters are kept on file and provide consent for post adoption contact if requested by the adopted individual after they have turned 21.

Adoptive Parents and Adult Adoptees

Adopted individuals age 18 or older and adoptive parents of individuals younger than 18 may request non-identifying information about birth parents.

Adopted individuals age 21 and over who seek contact with their birth parents may receive identifying information if the birth parents have also consented in writing, or may provide written consent to be kept on file should a birth parent seek contact.

Adoptive parents of individuals under 21 may request disclosure of identifying information if medical necessity or other extraordinary circumstances justify the disclosure.

Birth Siblings

Information about a birth sibling may be released to another sibling provided both are age 21 or older and have provided written consent.

Birth Parent Counseling

We’re here for you. Should you ever need to speak to someone, our caring social workers are available for counseling. HFS is committed to the needs of our birth parents, for all the years ahead. Learn more about our Birth Parents Program.

HFAP – Adoptive Parents Group

HFAP organizes social events and fundraising activities that provide HFS’ adoptive families with opportunities to interact and make friends with other adoptive families. For prospective parent awaiting placement, the HFAP PALS group provides a supportive environment in which to share  excitement, anxiety, hopes and dreams with others who have gone through the process and understand what they’re going through.