HFS Celebrates Sister Simone Campbell, a member of the Sisters of Social Service and a former executive director of Network, a Catholic social justice organization. Sister Simone received the highest civilian honor, the Presidential Medal of Freedom, on July 7th, along with 16 other Americans. HFS, founded in July of 1949, was assumed under the administration of the Sisters of Social Service in July of 1963. A shout out to Sr. Bertille and Sr. Thomasine (both now deceased), both Sisters of Social Service, who led HFS for many years. While no longer associated exclusively with the Catholic Church, HFS is proud of its long history with the Sisters of Social Service.
From our new board member Mary Hatton, “Sister Bertille was a household name growing up for me as she assisted my parents in my adoption (through HFS). I am forever grateful to the Sisters of Social Service for their tender loving care of not only the children they placed but the families with whom we were lovingly given to.”