Remembering The Rt. Rev. J. Jon Bruno

I have had the wonderful opportunity to know Bishop Bruno for over 20 years, but it was not until I started working for HFS 9 years ago that I had the privilege to truly get to know him better. Holy Family Services, Adoption and Foster Care would not be in existence today without the amazing…

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Fost Adopt Story: The Godfrey Family

About our Fost-Adopt Program Our Fost-Adopt program was created to bridge the gap between a child’s initial need for temporary care and the long-term need for a permanent home. HFS works with public social services to assist in these placements.  In California, foster parents are now called Resource Parents.  Even if you are only interested…

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Infant Adoption Story: The Naples Family

About our Infant Adoption Program The adoption process begins with two-hour orientation that walks participants through the adoption process. Holy Family Services provides monthly orientations to prospective adoptive parents seeking information about the infant adoption and fost-adopt programs. We equip prospective parents with a step-by-step overview of the legal, financial and emotional process of becoming…

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Message from the Board President: Fall 2020

Hello HFS supporters and families! It’s not a stretch to say that 2020 has been an incredible year; incredibly difficult but incredibly fruitful as well. As Martin Luther King Jr. said, “The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of…

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Blessed & Grateful

Pictured at the 2019 Circle of Hope Gala with Eric and his parents are his grandparents Dwayne and Lilia Fischer and German & Fran Von Thal. Beginning the adoption process, we were hopeful, but also careful to choose the right agency to guide us. Throughout interviewing, we realized that there were big differences in the…

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